Fire Safety Management in Public Places

Nevertheless before, the public places of today’s modern civilized world became more prove to the incidents due to carelessness and lack of considerations for others moving around. It may be due to the worries created in the minds of citizens of the world, due to the economic downturn and advancement of android and A.I technologies in a similar way in this post PANDEMIC era. People started spending more time with mobile phones, Laptops and other electronic devices in this post COVID era, due to the restrictions in public places and also due to more materialistic approach of life, and above all heeling of economic, social insecurity.
Ruling administrations and the governing authorities of like and property safety. Personal safety of the people around you becomes the utmost properties for all ruling government.
The role of Environment, Health and Safety professionals and safety wardens becomes more predominant and their duties & responsibilities are peaked to a high mark and rank. The public places are these; where infrastructure safety (includes roads, rail, and other general safety measures) and personal safety combines together; where every person passing through such places has got their own responsibilities. So EHS experts in different sectors has to work together, to ensure the safety measures to be in place. A part from this, electrical short circuits and risks created by different energy sources (such as hydro carbons, electricity and battery systems, hydrogen cells, etc.) causes major fire hazards in public/personal spaces. So these timely varying space modes to be designed and built with utmost care.
By using the latest technologies, planning methods and analyzing the socio economic behavioral patterns of the modern .
Behavioral safety, plays a pivotal role, as these spaces are the interfacing zone clusters of people from different backgrounds (socio/economical) with different behavioral traits. A thorough analysis of the human behavior, to be studied, analyzed and modeled before implementing such spaces into reality, so as to mitigate the chances of incident occurrences.
To ensure the proper responsible behaviors in public places during these challenging times; the importance of training related to the safety aspects comes in first place. Apart from all conflicts related to cast, religions and Nations; the awareness about one’s and other’s in the daily walks of life is emphasized during the training and awareness sessions.
Safety professionals has got a major role in making this idea into reality.
So as civilizations advances from decades to decades, the importance of these aspects related to our entire living spaces has dramatically increased. So the collective efforts of entire human community can only being a drastic change in this regard.
To conclude; observance of hygiene and safety measures in public places shows the more educated, civilized, happily and caring public. This can be counted as the signs of a more better human civilization, who cares about the Environment, health and safety of oneself and others, thereby protecting this unique planet; the mother earth; for the future generations.

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